Human beings love following new trends. Be it Gucci or Chanel in the fashion industry or new different social media platforms. But,’TECHNOLOGY’ is the one setting up all these trends. it has also played a major role in people’s outlook on various subjects.
Technology has implemented more into the field of dentistry with the advent of cloud-based practice, wireless sensors, handheld x-ray generators. It is mobile, versatile and unique to match the imagination of modern day Dentists. Our company NERVODENT aims to provide a new product ( dental instrument)-All in one operator and patient-friendly Dental X-ray holder that overcomes the limitations of existing holders.
We truly appreciate I.U's service on the budding startups. and also we would like to thank for giving us the right platform in finding the investors and business knowledge about investment and proper market utilization!.
Dr.Dhivya Dharshini,
Founder Nervodent